Shameful but Still Hungry


We missed November. Blast. It was the one thing I inwardly vowed, to not leave the blog empty for a month’s entirety. And yet, December, here we sit, fatter, colder and not all that jolly.

Alas! Med. school applications and job fiascos took over our front burners. Sure, we still cooked, baked and ate, but I have a feeling that Krisla and I both looked at our cameras and computers…then back to our food…then to the effort-requiring-technology…then back to our food – and then we kept eating. All through November.


So, in some way (I hope) a consolation (if not to any passerby-reader, then to me) I will do a sort of re-cap of what my November looked like: what I was eating, dreaming of, reading and listening to. And, not doing at all…this post might as well be called Everything I Wasn’t in November.

Is this an excuse to remember all the stuff I need, and want to follow through with, and otherwise, probably, wouldn’t? Well, who’s counting…

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