Evolutionary Lemon Squares



Who but spring! who but blossomy, strawberry spring could bring out the old in so much new?


Baking with the zip of lemon zest is like saying “resurrection” without any religious sentiment. Ah. It’s like a blog post about Emily Post eating vegan, oat-y lemon squares with her tea.

Just like that. Baby we’re back.

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Lavender Almond Shortbread Cookies

I know, I know. Another cookie post from the hungrygnomes. But I have a good reason, I swear.

Bette Jane and I have been searching for dried culinary lavender and have been failing miserably. And by searching, I mean going to one fancy grocery store hoping to find it in the spice section. You see, you can’t use the flowers from the lavender plant in your pretty garden unless you know that it hasn’t been treated with pesticides. You don’t really want to eat those yucky chemicals.

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