Evolutionary Lemon Squares



Who but spring! who but blossomy, strawberry spring could bring out the old in so much new?


Baking with the zip of lemon zest is like saying “resurrection” without any religious sentiment. Ah. It’s like a blog post about Emily Post eating vegan, oat-y lemon squares with her tea.

Just like that. Baby we’re back.

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Coconut Lavender Panna Cotta


April is one of my favorite times of the year. Do you know why? Seattle Restaurant Week. Also known as “A Frugal Seattle Foodie’s Chance to Feast at High-End Restaurants”. Three-course dinners for 28 bucks? Sign me up. It’s like getting an appetizer and dessert at these restaurants FO’ FREE.

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No-Knead Roasted Garlic Bread


This is not my first go at baking fresh bread. I’ve tried before but my bread has always turned out a little too tough or did not rise as well as I’d hope. But one of my coworkers, an avid baker, showed me this recipe for no-knead bread that was posted on the New York Times years ago. It’s been advertised as “so easy a four-year-old can do it!” That means I can do it too, right?

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Almond Milk


Non-dairy beverages are coming in all sorts of fascinating forms. My mom is a hemp milk drinker (after a series of explanation on its not having THC properties); my sister gets down with coconut; plenty of people get their liquid oat on; and I really love almond milk.

A friend with nut allergies walked into our kitchen the other day, expertly scouted the area, and murmured:

“I hear you’re milkin’…”.

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